Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Developing an Eating Plan to Maximize your Workout

Pre Exercise:

Consume .5-2.0 grams of carbs per pound of body weight 1-4 hours before exercising over 90 minutes or pre race.

1 hour= .5/lb
2 hours= 1.0/lb
3 hours= 1.5/lb
4 hours= 2.0/ lb

When you wake up in the morning you are in a fasted state because your body is using your stored glucose while you sleep. By eating a pre exercise meal you are topping off the “tank”, essentially making sure your stored energy levels are full.

What time you eat your pre exercise meal needs to be individualized to your tolerances and training or competition schedule.

Never try something new on race day!

During Exercise: (This may be applicable when we get to long runs lasting this long)

Consume 30-60 grams of carbs per hour during exercise lasting longer than 90 minutes.

Consume the carbohydrates starting at 1 hour and continue in 30 minute increments.

The average person can absorb about 1 gram of carbs per minute (60 g per hour). Some athletes can absorb up to 100 g per hour.

Post Exercise:

Because muscle glycogen storage is slightly enhanced 2 hours after exercise try to eat within the first 30 minutes after the race or workout. It is recommended to consume .5-.7 grams of carbs per pound of body weight. In addition, eat 6-20 grams of protein.

High glycemic index foods elicit a higher insulin response, such as breads and cereals.

Good post exercise foods:

Smoothie combining milk, yogurt, fresh fruit

Yogurt with juice or granola bar or turkey sandwich

Cereal with milk and fruit or leftover pizza

Chocolate milk is a great recovery drink

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